CSS-Only Accordions


This is a lightweight site, and I wanted to add some accordion-style functionality while preserving the load speed of a site free of javascript and jquery. This is one way to do that.

The code in action

This is some content that we want to show or hide on click.


      <input type="checkbox" class="trigger-checkbox" id="accordion-trigger">
      <!--This line creates a checkbox. When checked, we'll show the accordion content, when unchecked, we'll hide it.-->

      <label for="accordion-trigger">This is a header/accordion button</label>
      <!-- the "for" clause here links this label to the matching id in the input tag, so a click will check the box
      Then, we can hide the box, and style the label however we might choose. -->

      <div class="accordion-content">
      <!--We need a block to show or hide,and a div is the easiest way to create that.-->
        <p> This is some content that we want to show or hide on click.</p>
        <!--We can put whatever content we want in the .accordion-content div.-->



        label {
            text-align: left;
            font-family: 'Rambla', sans-serif;
            font-size: 2.5em;
            margin-top: 0;
            @media (min-width: 980px) {

        @mixin transition-height($duration, $style) {
          transition: max-height $duration $style;

          max-height: 0;
           @include transition-height(.25s, ease);
          &:checked {
            ~ .accordion-content {
              max-height: 3000px;
              @include transition-height(1s, linear);
            ~ label {
              text-align: center;

        /* Add transitions so the headers slide out */


Final Thoughts

These CSS-only accordions are lightweight, blindingly fast, and functional for a majority of use cases. I'm a big fan of human-parsable code, so...it's a thing! The next step is to have some sort of visual trigger--when I figure that out, I'll update the tutorial!